non-alcoholic beer sucks?
Think again.

black and yellow can of non-alcoholic Pilsner
N/A beer, crafted without compromise.

Beyond the Buzz

OK you get partial credit on this.TECHnically, to be non-alcoholic, you gotta be within the range of 0.0%-0.5% alcohol by volume (similar to kombucha). Our batches vary within that range.

Fun fact…you actually probably get more alcohol by volume from what you ate today; like a ripe banana (0.2%-0.4%), bread (1.18%-1.28%), and even some condiments like mustard or soy sauce (1.5%-2.0%)!

So yeah, there may be alcohol in your can of Day Ripper, but it’s practically impossible to catch a buzz from it.

But we make it like beer, and we drink it like beer.

🙄🙄🙄 K a hot minute ago, n/a beer def tasted like a cruel afterthought. But we brew non-alcoholic beer that tastes like any other craft beer, and believe ENAY stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the mightiest brews.

Why not?! 

Look, we’re not the booze police. And we certainly don’t preach sobriety. Everyone is on their own path, and we’re not here to tell you which way to go. Whether you’re cutting back, cutting out, or trying something new, we’re here to raise your spirits, not challenge your choices. There’s no room in our world for strict rules or damaging labels. And stigmas? Well, they can fuck right off. Live life on your terms; your glass is your own!

We brew our non-alcoholic beers just as you would a traditional beer: hops, water, malt, yeast. The difference in our process is solely the yeast strain, which produces zero-to-limited alcohol as a byproduct of fermentation.

RIGHT HERE! We are now shipping to the lower 48.

ENAY is also currently available in some East Coast stores.


Low-calorie? It ranges from about 60-80 calories per 12 oz can

Gluten-free? No

Low-carb? No

Can I drink ENAY? I am…*

Vegan? Yes!

Pregnant / nursing? Yes!

Under 21? Yes!

*BTW we are NOT doctors or health professionals!!!

ENAY in the Wild

      The Staff Project Black Triangle Logo
      1% of all Enay purchases are donated to support food and beverage industry professionals suffering from mental health and substance abuse issues.

      Culinary Hospital Outreach Wellness (CHOW)
      is the first beneficiary of this effort, which we’ve dubbed The Staff Project.

      Say Hey


      Buy 3 6-packs, and get the 4th on us! To redeem, fill your cart with 4 6-packs of your choice and enter code get1 at checkout.